Saturday, December 19, 2009

The next day, his ear had miraculously reattached itself. I let him down, and fed him some beef. He unsuspectingly wolfed down the beef, which I actually made from a chunk of his rump. I fed him some of his own milk, with some of his poo added. Unbeknownst to him, I had tied up his mooders and I continued to feed him. Being the greedy moomoo he is he ate and ate and kept drinking. I fed him his own tail which I had cut off a week ago. He has since grown a new one. He was so full, yet he kept eating until the food came up halfway his gullet. He also started producing milk, so much that his mooders became engorged. The moomoo juice couldn’t exit either, because they were tied up. Then he stopped. But I wouldn’t let him. I continued shoving food whole down his throat. He started to choke and suffocate. He wanted to throw up, but I used an entire roll of tape to tape his mouth shut. I stitched his ass shut too, so things couldn’t come out that way either. He squirmed and keeled over, struggling to puke. I laughed and poke his fatty rump. I picked him up and threw him into a large pail of his own milk. He started to drown. I dunked him in and out, in and out. He waved his tiny legs up and down so fast that I thought he was having a fit. Turned out he was.

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