Thursday, December 10, 2009

He stank, so I soaked him in detergent for one whole day. The boils that had burst and hadn’t healed got detergent in them and hurt like crazy. Then I dunked him in liberal amounts of thinner and set him on fire. Moomoo went crazy. I quickly smoldered him with sand to put the fire out. He was not hurt, because there was a lot of thinner, but the heat made him moo for hours on end and wouldn’t stop. I got irritated, and threw him out of the window. He mooed all the way down and knocked himself unconscious. I went to pick him up, then hanged him by his chunky tail on my door frame. Then I used him like a punching bag. I cut off part of his ear and he woke up and screamed in pain. I left the half-cut ear hanging and put salt on his wound. He screamed so much that he lost his voice and continued to whimper. I put some chili on his wound too, so much that I had to gag him at night so I could sleep.

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