Friday, October 24, 2008


This is a blog set up by a depraved moomoo lover-turned abuser. He is also the author of The Moomoo Handbook. The first time he saw a moomoo, it struck him as awesomely cute. He adopted it and treated it well. But came a time of peril, and their relationship soured. He met more moomoos, but they, in their childlike candour, destroyed his work of a lifetime and sank any hopes of revival. But the real blow was when the moomoos unknowingly set fire to a makeshift hut and killed an old man on an island – whom turned out to be his maternal grandfather – and ate half of his charred remains. Not only that, the moomoo fought with him for attention, fame and glory, and the brainless moomoo won. So now, he hates a moomoo when he sees one, and wants to dehumanise – no, demoo-nise every moomoo he sees.

Join him in his demoo-nising adventure. >: ]